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Author Archives: Jay Butchko


Pedestrian Accidents Involving Electric Cars

By Latham & Martin, P.C. |

Pedestrians in Richmond should be able to feel safe whether they are walking for exercise or leisure, walking on a sidewalk downtown, or crossing a street. However, pedestrians sustain serious and deadly injuries much more often than many people expect. According to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), data as of April 2024… Read More »

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Wrongful Deaths in Virginia Work Accidents

By Latham & Martin, P.C. |

Workplace injuries in the Richmond area can result in severe injuries, and in the worst accidents, injuries can be deadly. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, work-related fatalities have risen recently. Data released at the end of 2023 revealed that, between 2021 and 2022, fatal work injuries rose by nearly 6 percent,… Read More »

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Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Accident in Richmond

By Latham & Martin, P.C. |

More than 188,000 motorcycles are registered in Virginia, and many motorcyclists routinely ride in areas around Richmond. Whether you are riding a motorcycle at a high speed on an interstate like I-64 or I-95, or on a downtown street in Richmond, it is important to know that collisions happen and can result in severe… Read More »

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New Study Cites Dangers of Hybrid and Electric Cars for Pedestrians

By Latham & Martin, P.C. |

Are some motor vehicles more likely than others to be involved in collisions with pedestrians? While past studies have revealed that certain types of vehicles — SUVs in particular — are more likely to cause serious or fatal injuries in collisions with pedestrians, a new study addresses the kinds of vehicles where crashes themselves… Read More »

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What Steps Do I Need to Take to File a Wrongful Death Claim in Virginia?

By Latham & Martin, P.C. |

Fatal injuries can result from many different types of accidents, including a wide range of motor vehicle collisions, pedestrian and bicycle crashes, workplace accidents, and premises liability accidents like slips and falls or cases involving negligent security. According to data from the nonprofit corporation Drive Smart Virginia, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles identified… Read More »

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What Are Damages in a Personal Injury Case?

By Latham & Martin, P.C. |

When a person or entity is responsible for someone else’s injuries — whether nonfatal or fatal — it may be possible for the injured person or for their personal representative to file a claim in order to seek what is known as “damages.” While this term might not be familiar to you if you… Read More »

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Types of Useful Evidence in a Car Crash Case

By Latham & Martin, P.C. |

After any type of motor vehicle crash in the Richmond area, it will be important to obtain evidence that may be useful to you when you seek compensation later on. In the immediate aftermath of a collision, anyone who has been injured can feel disoriented, such that gathering evidence may be difficult. Further, some… Read More »

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Timelines to Consider in Personal Injury Claims

By Latham & Martin, P.C. |

After a serious injury results from another party’s negligence, timing can be critical. The amount of time from the injury to seeking medical care can be the difference between an injury that is ultimately treatable and one from which a person cannot fully recover. The length of time that passes between the date of… Read More »

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Teen Driver Collisions and Summer Road Safety

By Latham & Martin, P.C. |

Motor vehicle collisions have risen generally over the last several years, and some types of crashes have occurred with more frequency than others. According to a recent article in MarketWatch, teen driving accidents have increased sharply in number since 2020, and it is particularly important to pay attention to risks of teen driving collisions… Read More »

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Pedestrian Deaths After Dark: What to Consider

By Latham & Martin, P.C. |

Pedestrian accidents and injuries tend to occur more frequently in urban areas, and research has long shown that motor vehicle collisions in which pedestrians are injured tend to increase when the clocks fall back in the autumn for daylight saving time and more people are walking at darker rush hours. Yet a recent report… Read More »

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